Sett Grout
Sett Grout is a hot applied bituminous compound which secures all types of setts/cobbles.
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Sett Grout has been developed in order to solve the pouring and setting problems encountered with some filled bitumen grouting materials. Adhesion, flow and pouring properties have been improved whilst still retaining, recommended the softening point and penetration characteristics.
Where to use?
To secure all types of setts and cobbles
When grouting cobbles/setts, use the cobbles/ setts manufacturer’s installation instructions ensuring that cobbles/setts are dry and clean.
Sett Grout should be heated indirectly and agitated/stirred in a purpose-built sealant preheater-unit with thermostatic control to ensure that solids are evenly dispersed throughout the pouring material at all times. The heater unit should be oil-jacketed. Ensure that the temperature does not exceed 190°C as this will result in hardening and loss of elasticity.
The materials should then be pumped into the joint or poured at temperatures between 170°C - 180°C using a melter pourer or bucket and ‘V’ mould, with the minimum loss of temperature. Joints should be sealed to a level of at least 3mm below the surface.
In cold conditions, the temperature of the Sett Grout should be raised accordingly and in frosty weather this could well be up to, but not above 190°C to counteract the chilling effect the setts/ cobbles will have on the poured grout.
The spread rate for a 20mm wide x 75mm deep joint ~ 3kg/linear metre of joint.
N.B: When using 200mm x 100mm setts, 1m² of granite setts contains 15 linear metres of joint.
On this basis, the spread rate of Sett Grout is 45kg/m² of granite setts, assuming joints are 20mm wide x 75mm deep.
Sett Grout is available in 25kg (nominal) paper sacks or as a shrink-wrapped pallet (40 x 25kg).
Keep in dry store under cover.
Sett Grout is a proprietary product produced to a manufacturing system accredited to ISO9001.
- Wear suitable protective clothing (heat resistant gauntlet glove, overalls, protective footwear, face visor).
- DO NOT allow water to contact hot
- DO NOT exceed maximum safe heating temperature.
If molten material contacts skin:
- DO NOT attempt to remove
- Immerse affected area in cold running water for at least 10 minutes.
- Seek medical advice without
This product is hazardous for transportation when carried at temperatures above 100°C.
For full safety information, please request the Sett Grout Safety Data Sheet 33 using the contact information on this webpage.