Colas engages workforce in international mobility scheme


Colas engages workforce in international mobility scheme

A focus on inclusion

As part of an initiative to drive further integration across the business and tap into the potential of our workforce, Colas have recently announced international launch of the Job Enrichment Career Mobility Scheme following a successful two month pilot across the southern UK regions. This compliments our International Graduate initiative, introduced from September this year, which involved two graduates from British universities joining Colas for a three-year tenure, two of which would be spent overseas.

What does the scheme involve?

Our enrichment scheme comprises three parts: job tasters, role swaps and secondments. Job tasters will give members of staff an opportunity to undertake work in another area of the business for two weeks, whether it be cross-department or at another geographical location. Job swaps, the second option, enables participants to switch jobs with other departments for up to a month. Finally, employees can apply for a secondment located at one of our offices across the British Isles, Middle-East and Southern and East Africa (BIMEA). This will last for up to one year. The purpose? Knowledge and skills sharing. Colas are keen to utilise the scale of the company; leveraging development opportunities through greater staff mobility. The programme is currently open to applications.

Find out more

Shelley McDowell, our Head of Human Resources, has been influential in bringing these job enrichment opportunities to life and spoke at length about the benefits of the scheme with Construction News. Read the full article here.